The 11 Best AI Face Generators for Realistic Random Faces

You are currently viewing The 11 Best AI Face Generators for Realistic Random Faces
Best AI Face Generators

Are you looking for a tool to generate realistic human faces? If so, you’re in the right place. Artificial intelligence (AI) deepfake face generator tools are often used in creating digital avatars or characters for video games, movies, and virtual simulations. They can also be incredibly useful for online business purposes, such as developing web page identities or staff images.

We’ve compiled this list of the eleven best AI face generators to help you create realistic random faces quickly and easily. Whether it’s imagining what your perfect selfie might look like, designing an avatar, shop assistant, etc., these helpful resources will prove invaluable! So let’s get started.

Content Table

Best AI Face Generators Compared

AI Face GeneratorsVerdict
Bored HumansThis AI face generator stands out with its advanced machine learning, user-friendliness, and vast image database.
ArtbreederThis tool’s unique use of neural systems and broad editing capabilities set new standards.
This Person Does Not ExistShowcasing the potential of AI in crafting hyper-realistic visuals, perfect for creatives seeking diverse, non-recurring human faces.
NightCafeGenerate hyper-realistic faces from mere text or images sets it apart in the field of AI-generated art.
Unreal PersonThis AI generator impresses with its advanced technology and ability to create hyper-realistic, customizable faces.
Marketing Tool Face GeneratorA seamless blend of simplicity and advanced AI technology in generating diverse faces.
Github AI Face GeneratorRedefining the standards in AI face generators with the blending of superior functionality.
Fy! StudioThis AI face generator impresses with its advanced face-generating algorithms and groundbreaking image-upscaling technology.
Generated PhotosA game-changer with its lifelike output and innovative image creation system, setting new benchmarks in AI-driven creativity.
Playform AIA great tool stands out for its exceptional detail control and innovative blending capabilities.
DatagenThis platform stands out with its sophisticated technology and functionality, offering unmatched realism in AI-generated faces.

Best AI Face Generators Reviewed

Bored Humans

In the evolving realm of AI face generators, Bored Humans stands out as a potent contender. The platform utilizes robust algorithms and machine learning capabilities to generate ultra-realistic faces with a database of over 70,000 real human images. This vast reservoir allows for a wide array of unique digital representations, catering to diverse user needs.

Its ‘Fake Person Generator’ feature is an innovative tool that lets users create their own digital humans with no sign up, adding to its appeal. Technological advancements in image upscaling have further enhanced the quality of generated faces, making them almost indistinguishable from real ones.

Bored Humans offers a comprehensive set of AI tools including an AI rap song generator and an AI joke generator.



Key Features:

  • Robust machine learning algorithms for generating lifelike faces
  • Extensive database containing more than 70,000 real human images
  • Unique feature allowing users to create personalized digital humans
  • Cutting-edge image upscaling technology for superior face quality

Create Your AI Face Using Bored Humans Now!


“Artbreeder” is an innovative AI anime face generator that stands out with its exceptional use of neural systems to enhance base images. This tool offers a vast array of stock photos for editing and allows users to generate and modify images of faces, landscapes, and paintings, among other categories.

The technology behind this AI cartoon face generator utilizes models such as StyleGAN and BigGAN, making it a powerful tool in the AI art community. It’s an ideal choice for creators looking to remix images, design characters, or simply explore the possibilities of AI-generated art.

Artbreeder also ranked top on our lists of the best AI anime art generators, best AI avatar generators, and best AI profile picture generators.


Free: 10 credits/mo; Starter: $8.99/mo; Advanced: $18.99/mo; Champion: $38.99/mo

Key Features:

  • Offers a wide variety of stock photos for editing
  • Allows generation and modification of diverse image types
  • Employs models such as StyleGAN and BigGAN
  • Provides a platform for sharing work and following favorite creators

Create Your AI Face Using Artbreeder Now!

This Person Does Not Exist

In the ever-evolving domain of realistic human face makers, “This Person Does Not Exist” emerges as an innovative marvel. Its ability to produce strikingly realistic human faces with a single click is powered by advanced artificial intelligence, specifically generative adversarial networks (GANs), showcasing a remarkable blend of technology and creativity.

This tool not only mirrors the wide array of human appearances, but it also serves as a valuable resource for designers, illustrators, or anyone needing non-recurring human-like faces. Yet, it also underscores the growing prowess of AI in fabricating reality.



Key Features:

  • Uses advanced GANs for image creation
  • Produces diverse and realistic human faces
  • Free-to-use AI female face generator
  • An interesting resource for creative professionals

Create Your AI Face Using This Person Does Not Exist Now!


In the vast field of AI face generators, NightCafe emerges as a promising contender. This advanced tool utilizes state-of-the-art technology to generate realistic faces from both text prompts and existing images. Its underlying algorithm has been honed to perfection through exposure to millions of images, resulting in an impressive capacity for detail and accuracy.

NightCafe’s AI face generator from text is not just about creating images; it’s about crafting masterpieces as a top AI art generator. The platform also includes a community feature, where users can share, collaborate, and discuss their AI art.



Key Features:

  • Generates lifelike faces from text prompts and existing images
  • Algorithm trained on millions of images for superior accuracy and detail
  • Neural style transfer to turn photos into art masterpieces
  • An interactive community for AI art enthusiasts to create, share, and collaborate

Create Your AI Face Using NightCafe Now!

Unreal Person

As a random AI face generator, Unreal Person has made significant strides in the realm of digital artistry. This platform stands out for its ability to generate lifelike human faces, boasting a wide range of customization options. Users can specify age and gender, resulting in bespoke creations that are eerily realistic.

The technology behind Unreal Person is state-of-the-art, analyzing a vast dataset of facial images to learn various features and patterns. It then uses this information to create fresh images. Importantly, Unreal Person also excels at image upscaling, producing large, high-quality photos that retain their realism even when enlarged.



Key Features:

  • Utilizes advanced AI technology
  • Generates highly realistic random images
  • Can generate images of animals and art

Create Your AI Face Using Unreal Person Now!

Marketing Tool Face Generator

The AI Face Generator by Marketing Tool Online is a marvel of modern technology, leveraging the power of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to create convincing and varied human faces. It’s incredibly user-friendly, allowing anyone to generate realistic faces with just a few clicks. The tool boasts an extensive database of over a million different faces, resulting in a wide spectrum of unique outputs.

The faces it produces are perfect for diverse applications such as marketing campaigns or artistic endeavors, making it a standout choice for those in need of a versatile face generator.



Key Features:

  • Uses GAN for face generation.
  • Offers a variety of face styles and customization options.
  • Uses a large sample size of over 1 million faces for diverse results.
  • Ideal for marketing campaigns needing unique, realistic faces.

Create Your AI Face Using Marketing Tool Face Generator Now!

Github AI Face Generator

In the fascinating world of AI, one face generator on Github stands out for its remarkable capabilities. This tool utilizes advanced machine-learning techniques to generate human faces that bear an uncanny resemblance to reality. The primary advantage lies in its utilization of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), enabling the creation of lifelike faces that are entirely fabricated. It harnesses the power of popular libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch, ensuring optimal results.

The application of DCGAN structure further refines the quality of generated images, making them highly lifelike. Additionally, its compatibility with mobile devices offers users the convenience of generating faces on the go.



Key Features:

  • Uses advanced GANs for generating faces
  • Leverages TensorFlow and PyTorch libraries
  • Implements DCGAN structure for enhanced image quality
  • Mobile device compatibility for easy access

Create Your AI Face Using Github AI Face Generator Now!

Fy! Studio

In the rapidly evolving realm of AI face generators, Fy! Studio has carved a niche for itself with its advanced algorithms and unique features. The platform allows users to generate faces from scratch or based on a user’s photo, meticulously analyzing facial attributes such as skin tone.

Its significant progression in image generation capabilities, particularly in terms of image composition and face generation, sets it apart. The tool’s image upscaling advancements, providing automatic and quick results while enhancing the resolution, is nothing short of remarkable.



Key Features:

  • Advanced algorithms for in-depth facial analysis
  • Capability to generate faces from scratch or from a user’s photo
  • Significant progress in image generation and composition
  • Remarkable advancements in image upscaling for quick results and enhanced resolution

Create Your AI Face Using Fy! Studio Now!

Generated Photos

In the world of artificial intelligence face generators, “Generated Photos” has carved out a significant niche for itself. This tool stands out due to its ability to create incredibly realistic faces with a wide variety. The AI technology it leverages is top-notch, yielding seamless quality and stunning results. Users can customize age, head pose, skin tone, and emotion, and even choose between generating a kid or an adult face.

It’s no wonder this tool is a frontrunner among AI baby face generator applications, as it offers a user-friendly interface and high-quality results.


Free, $19.99/mo

Key Features:

  • Advanced AI for creating lifelike faces
  • Option to generate either a baby or an adult face
  • Customizable features including age, head pose, skin tone, emotion

Create Your AI Face Using Generated Photos Now!

Playform AI

For those seeking an AI face generator that offers an unparalleled level of detail and control, Playform AI is the perfect solution. Its FaceMix tool allows users to create entirely new faces or blend multiple existing ones with ease, providing an innovative approach for artists, designers, and creators alike.

With Playform AI, you can also edit specific facial attributes, making it an ideal platform for generating realistic and unique faces. Not only that, but Playform AI also stands out for its ability to convert sketches into AI Art, offering unlimited free AI generation across varied styles.


Free (with watermark); Plus: $10/mo; Pro: $30/mo; Studio: $50/mo

Key Features:

  • No-code 3D AI face generator ideal for non-technical users.
  • Variety of AI tools including GAN and Machine Learning.
  • Real-time feedback helps improve the art.
  • Widely used by NFT artists, fine artists, and digital creators.

Create Your AI Face Using Playform AI Now!


Datagen has carved a niche for itself in the AI face generator space, impressing users with its precise and advanced capabilities. Notably, it stands out for its ability to create diverse and realistic portraits, even from unrealistic images. The platform’s innovative features are designed for easy management and sharing of synthetic data, making it an all-in-one solution for synthetic data needs.

Additionally, its advanced facial recognition and customization capabilities take the creation of highly realistic faces to another level, ensuring genuine facial details that match the desired gender, age, and emotions.


Free trial; Customize price

Key Features:

  • Realistic and diverse portrait generation
  • Advanced facial recognition and customization
  • Intuitive interface for easy data management and sharing
  • Comprehensive solution for synthetic data generation

Create Your AI Face Using Datagen Now!


AI face generators are an incredible tool for digital creators, NFT artists, and fine artists alike. These platforms provide advanced capabilities to generate realistic and unique faces with simple clicks. Whether you’re looking for a free option or a more comprehensive solution, there’s something out there that can fit your needs. With the right platform, you can make sure your artwork stands out from the rest. So why not give it a try and make your art come to life with AI face generators?

Oswald Chen

As a seasoned tech and IT professional, Oswald is also a heavy cord-cutter, video editor, and gamer in his leisure time. His primary goal is to bring correct and unbiased information to the public from thorough research. Oswald was originally known by the public as a Kodi (XBMC) expert, now he keeps learning and innovating, and his interest has branched out to the entire technology field. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

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