4 Ways to Effectively Find and Remove Duplicate Songs in Spotify

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How to Remove Duplicate Songs in Spotify

Spotify doesn’t provide a built-in feature to automatically find and remove duplicate tracks from a playlist. 

However, there are a few methods you can use to identify and remove duplicates manually or with the help of third-party services. 

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Manual Methods

On Desktop

  1. Open Spotify: Launch the Spotify app on your Mac or PC.
  2. Navigate to Playlists: Go to “Your Library” and select the playlist you want to clean up.
  3. Sort by Title: Click on the “Title” column header to sort the songs alphabetically.
  4. Identify Duplicates: Scroll through the playlist and visually identify duplicate songs by their titles, artists, and album covers.
  5. Remove Duplicates: Right-click on the duplicate track and select “Remove from this playlist”. To remove multiple duplicates, hold the Ctrl key (PC) or Command key (Mac) and select them before right-clicking and choosing “Remove from this playlist”.

On Mobile

  1. Open Spotify App: Launch the Spotify app on your iOS, iPadOS, or Android device.
  2. Navigate to Library: Go to “Library” and select the playlist you want to clean up.
  3. Sort by Title: Swipe down the playlist profile and tap on the “Sort” option at the top right, then select “Title”.
  4. Identify Duplicates: Scroll through the playlist and look for consecutive songs with identical titles.
  5. Remove Duplicates: Tap the “More” button (three dots) next to the duplicate track and select “Remove from this playlist”. Repeat this process for each duplicate song.

Using Spotify Dedup

Spotify Dedup is a popular web app that analyzes your Spotify playlists and liked songs to identify and remove duplicate tracks, allowing you to clean up your library with ease.

  1. Open Spotify Dedup: Visit the Spotify Dedup website in your browser.
  2. Log In: Log in with your Spotify account.
  3. Analyze Playlists: The tool will analyze your playlists and saved songs to find duplicates.
  4. Remove Duplicates: Once the analysis is complete, you can remove duplicates on a per-playlist basis by clicking “Remove duplicates from this playlist”. This tool only removes duplicate songs, leaving the rest of the playlist untouched.

Using Virtual Shuffle

Virtual Shuffle is an Android app that lets you remove duplicate songs from selected Spotify playlists, providing an automated solution for decluttering your music collection.

  1. Install Virtual Shuffle: Download and install the Virtual Shuffle app from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the App: Launch the app and click “Remove Duplicates”.
  3. Select Playlist: Choose the playlist you want to clean up.
  4. Remove Duplicates: The app will automatically remove all duplicates from the selected playlist.

Using Spotidup

Spotidup is a website that scans your Spotify account, detecting duplicates across playlists and liked songs, enabling you to remove them efficiently on a per-playlist basis.

  1. Open Spotidup: Visit the Spotidup website.
  2. Log In: Log in with your Spotify account.
  3. Analyze Playlists: The tool will traverse your playlists and saved songs to find duplicates.
  4. Remove Duplicates: Once duplicates are identified, you can remove them on a per-playlist basis by clicking the appropriate option.


Will removing duplicates from a Spotify playlist affect the playlist for all followers?

Yes, if you are the owner of the playlist and you remove a duplicate song, it will be removed for everyone who follows that playlist.

What to do if I accidentally remove a song?

If you accidentally remove a song, you can usually undo the removal immediately using the ‘Undo’ option that appears as a pop-up notification. If you don’t catch it in time, you’ll have to manually search for the song and add it back to your playlist.

Is Spotify Dedup safe to use?

Yes, Spotify Dedup is considered safe. It uses the Spotify Web API to manage playlists and liked songs, and it does not store any user data on its servers. The source code is available on GitHub for transparency, allowing users to review it.

Can Spotify Dedup remove duplicates across multiple playlists?

No, Spotify Dedup can only remove duplicates within individual playlists. It does not detect duplicates of a song across multiple playlists.

Oswald Chen

As a seasoned tech and IT professional, Oswald is also a heavy cord-cutter, video editor, and gamer in his leisure time. His primary goal is to bring correct and unbiased information to the public from thorough research. Oswald was originally known by the public as a Kodi (XBMC) expert, now he keeps learning and innovating, and his interest has branched out to the entire technology field. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

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